Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Ran through my first pair of shoes

Last week I was looking at my running log and decided to see how many miles I had accumulated on my running shoes. I did some quick math and realized I was up to 400 miles! I did a quick search on Google and found most people recommended replacing running shoes in the 300 - 500 mile range.

That is a first for me. I ran through my first pair of shoes. This probably isn't a big deal for most people, but it feels like a big accomplishment to me.

I went to my local running store, Marathon Sports, and looked around. My old shoes had been quite good and I was hoping to just get the same model again. Unfortunately, Brooks has since discontinued the model I had. So I got another similar model from Brooks. They are, as the sales guy put it, "very green".

You can see more info about them here.

So far, the new shoes are working out very well.